These s ex myths women believe could be causing more harm than good
There have been a lot of wrong preconceived notions women have about sex when it comes to men. This might sound like harmless beliefs, but often times, these wrong ideas will negatively impact their sex life and even their relationship.
See three major ones below.
His only focus on his pleasure
A man's main focus during sex is not simply his pleasure, but hers too. In fact, most men cannot even enjoy sex if they do not get the feeling that she enjoys it too. This is why he worries about whether or not you orgasm, if his penis is the best size, etc. So, you just lying there without giving him any positive encouragement because you assume he is only interested in cumming and getting up is unfair. He wants to feel passion from you and he also wants to know you desire him. Never forget to show him that.
Se x comes before emotional connection
Men are also human beings. They feel emotion and crave the connection with someone else. If he is a man in love, he will not only be counting the hours to the next time you both have sex, he will also feel more secure in the relationship if he feels his emotional needs are being met. This is why those women who choose to have sex with men to get the men to fall for them often get a rude awakening. A man's heart is not connected to his penis. If he loves you, it is because he loves you, not because you give him the best sex ever. A man can also feel emotionally connected to a woman he is not having sex with. So, no, it is not always about the sex.
They cannot get enough
While there is some truth to the fact that men crave se x more often than women (because men have a higher testosterone level), this does not mean he wants to have s ex every single hour of every day. Any man who goes around all the time looking for who to screw next is a man with a problem. Do not focus all your energy on giving him all the sex in the world, to the detriment of actually doing other things to make your relationship last because you think he is obsessed with sex 24/7. In fact, there are a lot of things that might affect his sex drive, so it is very possible that at sometimes, your man would rather not have sex.