4 top reasons Nigerian women will not give you a bl0w job

Men love receiving blow jobs and most will consider a sex session without blow jobs, unsatisfactory. There are a few reasons why Nigerian women will rather not perform this act on their male partner.


A lot of men are big fans of receiving blow jobs.  For most, 0ral sex is at the top of their list of their most favourite sex acts. There are, however, a few reasons why Nigerian women will rather not perform this act on their male partner.

Yesterday, we talked about the top reasons Nigerian men give for not going down on their partners. Today, we present a countdown (from least likely to most likely) of reasons why Nigerian women will not go down on their men.
blow job

4. Personalityare attracted to more than your physical attributes. A woman will not go all in with a man who does not make her feel good about it. When a man is so insistent on getting her to give him a blow job to the point of being rude or if he makes her feel like it is her obligation, she is unlikely to give him what he wants. For her to regularly go down on you, it is important that she enjoys the act.

Blow job

3. Size/discomfort

Another reasons Nigerian women gave for not wanting to perform oral sex on their partner is size. The bigger the penis, the more uncomfortable blow jobs can be. If she goes down on you once and it was uncomfortable, she might avoid a repetition. There are, of course, tips to help her handle a more endowed man which could help.

2. Hair

Quite a lot of women have said they will not give a blow job to an extremely hairy man. Though, they admitted that some hair is not bad, but when the penis is covered with long and full hair, it looks unappealing. It can be tedious trying to blow him and prevent herself from swallowing/tasting hair.

1. Intimacy

Compared to men, women are extremely unlikely to perform oral sex on a man they do not have at least, some level of emotional feelings for. Oral sex is a selfless act that requires you to focus solely on pleasing your partner and women will rather not go to the effort for a casual sex mate or one night stand. They reserve the honour for men they are in a relationship with or married to.