5 signs your new relationship is hurting your friendship

You may ruin your relationship with close friends totally if you continue to act in a certain pattern and always shoving your friend's to the back seat

For those who have no idea, a new relationship can be really intoxicating and you are bound to lose track of everything around if you don't get a grip on yourself quickly enough.
It's normal to want to spend the whole time with your new love but don't forget that new feeling is only temporary especially when it's currently causing a strain in your relationship with family and very close friends.
You may ruin your relationship with close friends totally if you continue to act in a certain pattern You may ruin your relationship with close friends totally if you continue to act in a certain pattern

You may ruin your relationship with close friends totally if you continue to act in a certain pattern and always shoving your friend's to the back seat. Because these people are a shoulder to cry on if your romantic relationship turns sour, which is why it wouldn't be wise to lose them because you are deep in love with someone else.
Emma Mcgowan of Bustle lists a few signs that your relationship is hurting your friendship
1. You Always Include Your Significant Other In Your Plans: Even if your friends love your new boo, they want some you time! Unglue your lips for enough time to go out for drinks sans-SO once in a while.
2. All You Talk About Is Your Significant Other: And on those nights out? Make sure you have something to talk about other than how great your babe is. You know, things like work and other friends and random blog posts you read on the internet. Normal stuff.
3. Your Friends Have Stopped Inviting You Out: If your friends have straight up stopped inviting you out, that’s a pretty damn good sign that your relationship is hurting your friendships. Take a second and think about it: Is there anything else that could be causing the lack of phone calls? Probably not. Rectify.
4. You’ve Stopped Reaching Out: Yeah, you’re in big love but if you’ve stopped reaching out to your friends, you’re the one doing the damage to your relationships. Take the time to make the time to keep those relationships strong — all it takes is a text.
Friends talking at a party Friends talking at a party

5. Your Only Friends Are “Our Friends”: While it’s totally normal to have more and more mutual friends as you get further into a relationship, it’s not normal or healthy to have only mutual friends. If you catch yourself saying “our friends” all the time and never “my friends” anymore and you’re not really spending time with your pre-relationship friends, it’s time to reassess your priorities.