How your search for Mr. Right may be ruining your life

Taking a step back and reevaluating what finding a man means to you could turn around your perspective on finding Mr. Right

Sad woman
Every lady wants a special man to spend the rest of her life with but it doesn't help if you are being desperate and obsessive about it.
Taking a step back and reevaluating what finding a man means to you could turn around your perspective on finding Mr. Right.
Worried woman

According to Maryann Hammers of, here are signs that you are obsessed with finding the right one:
  1. You spend your productive time thinking about ways to find Mr Right.
  2. You are very careful about revealing your age to men you see as prospects.
  3. You shower your date with lots of presents when you aren't yet in a serious relationship with him.
  4. You are over anxious and jump the line when you think you have found "Mr Right".
  5. You freak out over your first dates and treat it like your last.